Using Stack Overflow

Joel Spolsky and Jeff Atwood are starting a new website called Stack Overflow, it’s going to be a free programming Q&A website.

I’m a fan of both of those guys (I even have an autographed copy of Joel’s book!), so I signed up to be a beta user to see how it develops. I was trying to come up with a good way to give Stack Overflow a test drive, and I think I’ve hit on something: use it to build a web 2.0-ish site. I’ve been wanting to build a site for myself for at least the last year – I can picture it in my head (and on paper), what it should do and what the user interaction should look like, but I haven’t spent any time actually figuring out how to build the darn thing.

You see, I’m comfortable in C/C++/Perl/Python/x86 assembly (really), but I’ve never done any database or web-y development. Enter Stack Overflow – hopefully it will be a good place to learn about web programming.

I’ll update this blog with my progress once Stack Overflow goes live, wish me luck.

And Jeff: Give me a call when you decide to learn C, I taught it at Purdue for a few years back in grad school and really enjoyed teaching it – maybe you could trade me some .NET lessons for some C lessons. You check my post on pointers to get started. 🙂